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Forget Foldable Phones! Apple Plans to Develop ‘Stretchable Display’ Devices

  Apple is exploring stretchable display technology, aiming to revolutionize OLED screens with the ability to wrap seamlessly around surfaces. This innovation could transform the way we use screens, allowing OLED displays to cover various shapes and objects without visible seams. Apple has previously experimented with foldable phone prototypes, but this new direction suggests a significant leap forward in display technology. If successful, these stretchable OLED screens could change the design and functionality of future devices, making them more versatile and visually appealing. This potential breakthrough highlights Apple’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology and enhancing user experiences. Credit By:

iPhone 16 May Get Removable Battery

  Apple is reportedly working on making iPhone batteries easier to replace to meet EU rules. The new technology, expected as early as this autumn, is designed to align with the EU’s requirements for sustainable design and recycling by 2027. Currently, Apple uses adhesive strips to secure batteries in iPhones. The new method they are developing involves using electricity to loosen the adhesive, allowing users to remove batteries more easily. This change is aimed at supporting a cleaner environment by enabling users to replace batteries throughout the life of their device. Adhesives are important for making devices easier to recycle, and this innovation is a significant step forward in that direction. It’s part of Apple’s effort to meet environmental regulations and promote more sustainable practices in their products. Credit By:

Laptops and Computers in Pakistan to Become More Expensive as Sales Tax Doubles

  In the budget for 2024-25, the federal government of Pakistan has decided to double the sales tax on PCs and laptops, increasing it from 5% to 10%. This change is expected to result in higher prices for these electronic devices, aiming to generate more revenue for the government. Moreover, Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb announced significant increases in salaries for government employees, with raises of up to 25%. Retirees will also see their pensions increase by 15%. Additionally, the minimum monthly wage has been raised from Rs 32,000 to Rs 37,000. Despite facing financial difficulties, the government’s goal is to alleviate the challenges that its employees are facing by implementing these salary and pension increases. These measures are part of broader efforts to improve financial conditions and provide better support to public sector workers in Pakistan. Credit By:

Nike’s New Shoes Massage Your Feet When You Wear Them

Nike and Hyperice have collaborated to launch cutting-edge wearable technology designed specifically to enhance athletes’ recovery and overall performance. The latest innovation from this partnership, the Nike x Hyperice boots, integrates two essential recovery elements: heat and dynamic air-compression massage. These boots are engineered to deliver targeted warmth and gentle, yet effective pressure to the feet and lower limbs, aiding in quicker recovery post-exercise. By combining heat therapy with air compression, athletes can experience improved circulation and reduced muscle soreness, ultimately supporting their training regimens. In addition to the boots, the Nike x Hyperice vest introduces innovative thermoelectric coolers that facilitate rapid heating and cooling cycles. This eliminates the reliance on traditional methods involving ice or liquid, offering athletes a convenient and efficient way to manage their body temperature during and after intense workouts. The vest’s techno